The Diary of a Muse

Wealth is Health a conversation with Jeff Whittle of Silverstrong Fitness

Tess Day Season 1 Episode 6

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In this episode I had the pleasure of speaking to Jeff Whittle of  

He not only shares his journey to becoming a personal trainer for those over 50 but hidden in his words is the story of reinvention from Iowa to California and then San Diego over his lifetime. 

For those yet to reach their sixties Jeff inspires us to never give up, he is a wonderful example of moving forward in life following your inner messenger and collecting pieces of knowledge, wisdom and constantly being what you love. 

So listen intently as he takes you from a farm to a city from moving away from breaking your back to getting stuck at a desk only to find the balance between both and being able to live a full and rich life into your late late years.

If you want to reach out to Jeff everything you need to do so is below...


Testimonials from two of his clients: 

Cheryl S. Video Testimonial:

Monica H. Video Testimonial:

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welcome to the Diary of a muse podcast I'm Tess day and I'm absolutely thrilled to


have you here with me embarking on this journey of Discovery and transformation well Jeff it is


absolutely lovely to have you here with us today very excited to speak to you our listeners are probably chomping at


the bit to hear your quotation that you have to share with us today so let's start right off there before we even


introduce you and tell them all about you all right we'll say uh we must all suffer one of two things


the pain of discipline uh the pain of regret or disappointment oh wow I think that is a


beautiful uh way to begin this conversation today we had a conversation a little while ago um I found out some


really interesting things about you I've read your bio um really interesting start to life very different to the life


you've LED and where you find yourself now doing what you're doing so do you


want to just give us a little insight into the early days in Iowa and what then sparked that journey into shall I


let everybody know radio and then last but not least a life of being a personal


trainer for a very special select group of people so yes a lot of people are interested in that Journey they're like


how did you go from where you were to where you are now so you mentioned I


Iowa so I grew up on a farm in the Midwest of the United States a small farm near a big city but outside of town


I we lived in town until I was about nine and then we moved my parents moved to the farm so all of a sudden there


were no kids next door like there was when I lived in the city you know classmates people in my same grade or so


lived a few houses away or a block or two away so we were always hanging out after school or on the weekends and


playing baseball and doing whatever all of a sudden I'm on the farm the nearest


boy my age was like 3/4 of a mile away and he didn't even go to the same school


as I did so I didn't know him that well my best friend from the school I went to was like a mile away of course we were


both on farms and had Farm chores to do and things like that so we got together rarely so most day and I had three


younger sisters no brothers oh wow so I was kind of stranded so to speak so um


you know I read a lot when I was growing up a lot of books now I listen to audio books while I'm exercising and running


and stuff so I don't read as much as I did because I had a lot of spare time and time to myself and I fell in love


with listening to the radio because I could get the radio and that was a constant companion and when I was doing


chores or you know doing stuff I always had the transistor radio on back in


those days in the 1970s really fell in love with it just listening to not only the music but then got fascinated by


radio the DJs and stuff the presenters you know talking in between and I always


was a good speaker and a good reader and could read aloud when I was in the Catholic School Whenever there was a


speech contest the nuns would volun tell me that I was going to be in the speech contest so I did you know a lot of


speaking from a young age and my dad was big into radio and into speaking so he


told me you know if you can make a living talking it's way better than making a living you know breaking your


back doing manual labor or something like that so my parents totally encourag that and I'm like I could make a living


being on the radio playing records oh my God so you know that was all I wanted to


do so I was on my first two radio stations when I was still in high school so I had just really pushed my senior


year in high school I started at a little tiny station by the time I graduated high school I had making tapes


of myself and parlayed that into a job at the biggest station in town even


before I went to college and then of course I went to radio broadcasting I think it was just mass communications at


that time and and was on the campus radio station and worked at commercial station in town part-time you know on


the weekends and just kind of did that and then graduated from college moved from Iowa to California to Los Angeles


where hug huge radio market and if you want to be anyone in entertainment in United States you go to Los Angeles


pretty much or New York weather much better in Los Angeles than New York so that's where I wound up there and the


beaches are a lot better so I did that for you know so around 2000 the year I


turned 40 because I'd been in radio it's not a healthy lifestyle like being a rock and roll DJ top 40 DJ so I would be


you know sitting at my at a microphone like this right here sometimes working really early morning so I had weird


hours so I ate badly and you know didn't do really any health stuff so I was


getting overweight I was about 30 lbs overweight by the time I turned 40 and through my wife's radio station cuz


she's also in radio and that's how I met her they were offering two for one gym memberships for like the new year for


the first of the year when everybody makes their resolutions to you know get in shape and she's like you kind of


talked about needing to get in shape should we do it and I said sure so we went into the the gym and we signed up


and then the really you know the turning point was the guy that from the gym said


do you know anything about you know exercise and training and how to use the machines and stuff and I said no you


know not really and he said well you'll just kind of copy what other people do you know you'll see them do something so


you'll do something you don't have a plan you won't really see any results and you'll stop coming after 3 months or


something like that so we really suggest you hire a personal trainer and I said makees sense they didn't push for a big


package and try to you know get a ton of money out of me but they said even just do like a five pack of sessions just so


you kind of know what you're doing and turns out so he said sure So our appointment was for the next day or two


we show up for the personal trainer never met him didn't know who he was turns out he was also from Iowa he also


went to the University of Iowa graduated just like me but he had played in the National Football League he was a


professional football player that had just gotten out of the league and was going into personal training but since


we had all this common background we hit it off really well the other big important thing was I really liked


personal training because just being able to challenge yourself you know it's like oh can I do a little bit more today


and seeing myself get stronger losing the weight I was really happy everybody


was like going wow you're looking great I'm like yeah I'm working out I'm watching my diet I've got a trainer all


of this stuff so we did I did that for a few years and things were going great and then he the trainer moved a little


ways away not horribly far but I stopped going seeing him thought oh I'll just do


this on my own I know what's going on but I didn't have the accountability so I would go to the gym less and less


started eating worse and worse again ended up gaining all the weight back and even a little more I'm like 40 lbs


overweight this is like 10 or more years later and so now I'm in my early 50s so


of course your metabolism slows down and your body's changing I'm like uh-oh I got really mad at myself I saw some


pictures of myself and I'm like I got to get back in shape it was so good earlier and I let it all get away so I called up


my that trainer again started driving to see him started working out got my buddy


to do it with me cuz he heard me you know raving about all of this so I got back in shape and this time while I'm


training with Austin is name I'm like I need to become a trainer too because I


like the stuff he was telling me about like the what was going on why we were doing the exercises and the muscles we


were working as well so I was kind of fascinated by the whole physiological as


opposed to just seeing how much weight I could lift and he even commented on that he's like you're kind of learning this


stuff pretty well and I'm like I need to get certified myself so I can control my own weight and and diet and and strength


and then maybe pass that on to others and since I was already in my mid-50s I thought you know what these young kids


don't want to work out with me in their 20s and 30s people my age or older will


listen to me I know what they're going through so I start I specialize now in training seniors specifically women in


their 60s and 70s and 80s and that's where we are so and that I was still


just so I just started training uh part-time from like 2015 and then when covid hit I lost my last radio job the


internet's really taking its toll on radio radio is kind of in decline because of the internet so I just


switched when I'd lost that last job and just went to training full-time like 40y


year history I mean there's so many things I absolutely love about what you've just told us H you know one of


the things you also I read um when I was you know reading up about you was you know that strong work ethic that you


really realized you had from those days on the farm you know that ability to follow routine get up early work hard


maybe break your back a little bit and all those things but it's those F foundational things that you sort of


never lose as you move forward in life but the other thing that was fascinating and I'm fascinated with books as well


reading helps us grow our imagination so even though perhaps your your scenery and your view was the same every day it


was the ability to escape to other places through the books you read that helped you build a picture of the kind


of life you wanted to have even though you probably didn't know exactly how that was going to unfold it certainly


didn't limit your ability to say well I'm just here and this is just my life and then of course the love of radio and


music because you do like Foo Fighters did I get that right the Foo Fighters so


last month well in August yes I saw three there are three concerts in Southern California two in Los Angeles


and the one in San Diego I now live in San Diego most of my life you know I've been in Los Angeles so I went to those


three alternative rock they call it Dad Rock now you know uh Green Day they saw


them in Los Angeles two weeks ago seen them this week here in San Diego the show there so I still go to a ton of


concerts still love music you know I probably been to eight concerts this year you know still so I go to a lot of


live shows cuz I love that so that's always going to be a part of me but I and that's I guess still kind of the


long hair I'm still kind of live one foot in that rock and roll DJ lifestyle I can't give that up and go you're


corporate or whatever but uh but yes that really as a kid on the farm sparked


my imagination you know I was reading about you know a lot of the classics and


so I was like transported all over the world even from my bedroom you know reading at night before I would go to


bed always knew that I was going to get out of Iowa and go to some place that


was happening and exciting nothing against Iowa but that just wasn't anything there to hold me back my


parents still live there my two living Sisters still live there I'm like oh no I go back once or twice a year and I was


just back from my 45th High School reunion you know and great to see everybody and it's part of my past and a


very important part of my formation you know of who I am now but it's like there's a lot more out there that you


know I just have to be a part of and see and live and I guess you know what what


what's also interesting is the fact that you've stepped into that world of personal training health and well-being


looking after yourself it's probably the one magical ingredient that has allowed


you to have the opportunity to be well enough fit enough and able enough to attend concerts like the food Fighters


which perhaps if you hadn't and you maybe were still overweight and weren't


as sort of energized as you absolutely come across on this chat um you wouldn't


have been able to have the energy to be able to go out and enjoy those things so it's it's amazing how the choices we


make really do impact the way our life plays out and I think that is fundamentally what you are doing with


your more mature clients you're helping them have the best possible life experience that they can because they're


looking after their bodies so so what really drives you to work with the the


sort of more mature person I fall into that category these days so you know and I I resonate with a lot of things you


say our bodies change over 50 what used to be so effortless Now isn't


necessarily so easy we know in the back of our minds that uh we have to look


after ourselves we have to be active we have to do strength training for bone density all the things you and I have


spoken about it's one thing to know it it's a whole different thing to actually have the confidence or even the KN how


of where to go and how to even start that if we haven't done it for a while talk us through maybe some examples and


how you even encourage older people to get involved in that that more physical


side of looking after our bodies so you touched on some great points uh you know


one of the basics is you know the bodies change as we age you know cells are


always constantly dying off but when we're young they replace themselves really quickly and that's why younger


people grow and get bigger and then why older people usually tend to get skinnier and start shrinking again is


those cells aren't replaced that includes the nervous system the muscles


so you touched on you know bone density so osteoporosis especially with women


post hor postmenopausal and the other huge one and maybe even bigger especially for men


it's called sarcopenia it's age related muscle loss so when people become frail


it's usually musle muscle loss of muscle mass and it's an exponential loss in


strength compared to the mass so losing a little bit of mass makes an even


bigger loss in strength and you see older people their arms and legs are this you know big around especially you


know ladies once they're getting late 70s or 80s maybe they have a tummy because of their diet but their arms and


legs become really skinny that is linked to all cause mortality people with that


sarcopenia die quicker you become a fall Hazard because you don't have the strength in your legs and your core to


stay upright to correct your balance if if something happens if you trip if somebody bumps into you things like that


so you T you mentioned strength training so that's really a key there then so you


know my mom was in her mid late 70s and I'm trying to get her to train on Zoom you know cuz I'm out here and she's in


Iowa she's like well I don't want to get too big and muscular you know and I'm like Mom that's not going to happen but


if you start getting your muscles start getting too big we'll just stop the training or cut back okay just smiling


KN that isn't going to be the problem either slow the loss of muscle mass or


maybe even reverse it and actually start building muscle mass again is huge and


the beautiful thing is is the exact same things we do for the to counter the


muscle loss helps the bone loss as well so that we can fight the osteoporosis


and the muscle loss the sarcopenia at the exact same time by strength training and it doesn't have to be lifting big


heavy weights you can be using some bands and tubes body weight exercises


we'll do push-ups but we'll do them off of like a high bar so you're only you know it's not like you're on the floor


trying to grind them out or you can do them against a wall and just do a little bit at a time so we can adapt things to


suit where you are physically so that's a huge thing so um and also I mentioned


the nervous system when we start doing things like that the nervous system kind of revs up again where if we just kind


of sit in the chair walk a little bit walk around the block a couple of times oh I'm getting my exercise I walk around


the block twice a day it's like that certainly isn't enough we're not challenging the nervous system that's


what keeps you know everything functioning really well if you trip your reflexes are faster uh so it's safer


balance is a huge thing so osteoporosis the sarcopenia and poor


balance are the three things that most of the ladies I work with all suffer from now they have other goals you know


we do try to get them you know stronger or you know maybe some weight loss but getting their legs strong is the number


one thing because if a fall can be just devastating you know injury broken hip L


have to move out of your home into a care facility all of that so usually the number one thingi top priority is get


them more stable on their feet and then we start working on building muscle cognitive I do cognitive training too so


it's physical exercises with mental exercises at the same time word list and


word games math problems different all different types of things like that


reflex things to rev up the nervous system also helping strengthen the brain


you know uh loss of muscle mass ass uh is associated with uh dementia as well


uh low heart rate because getting blood and nutrients oxygen to the brain


keeping that flowing is keeps the you know helps fight dementia so when you're just sedentary and you know you're


losing muscle mass you're at a bigger risk of of dementias as well including Alzheimer's and Parkinson's yeah that's


me back to that saying if you don't use it you lose it that's right that is certainly right do you want to just


remind us of your quotation again my quotation yes just read it out again


because it's relevant I think right at this point that certainly is we must all


suffer one of two things the pain of discipline or the pain of regret or


disappointment and that's from business philosopher Jim ran oh


RN I've Loved Jim ran since I had an audio cassette of him speaking in


college and I'm like oh my gosh it really opened up my mind to the possibilities of what I should do to


make something of my life yes he's definitely one of the fathers I would say of coaching you yes highly


inspirational and yes there is a price to pay and there's a win on either side but you know if we don't sit up and pay


attention or we don't ask questions about where we're at along our life


Journey we are going to have regrets foresight thinking ahead watching others


looking and identifying people why is so and so so active and so out there and how come they get to do all these


amazing things sometimes identifying somebody what H how do you do that oh I


go and work out with Jeff or I'm active I'm an active person and and I would


imagine you bring a lot of confidence to people to actually continue to be out there interacting yes it's it's our


health and well-being but it's our connection with others as well that must play a huge part especially as we get


older and feel less um essential certainly and that's a a great tie in to


like balance because millions of people older people they feel unstable on their


feet they're afraid of falling so they don't go out and do things well


unfortunately that starts a downward spiral because then sitting at home afraid to go out means you're only going


to get weaker and weaker and become a bigger fall Hazard and then of course that leads to loneliness and isolation


and depression all of those things the lack of socialization all related to


mental health as well um you know higher rates of dementia among people with


depression and isolation lack of social contact really that you know strength


and balance training uh and and of course the cognitive training helps the


body and the mind both you know they're tied in completely yeah really


interesting you've been doing um some further study on mind haven't you in


cognitive work alongside the personal training which I think you've probably sort of mastered more over the last sort


of couple of years or how long have you been doing anoun you said at 55 you qualifi I got trained in 2015


certified and so I've been a trainer for nine years one of my first certificates


besides my regular personal training certification was a specialty certification in uh senior Fitness so


just like you know nurses or doctors they have to keep taking classes to keep their skills up and to be up to date on


the latest things so like the first continuing education credit that I ever


got was to be a senior Fitness specialist and then I have you know several others pain-free CER you know


Mobility I do have group exercise instructor weight management certification as well so I can coach


people on weight loss it's not the number one thing I do because there's a lot of emotional component with weight


loss I you know real quickly on that people can go home after a workout and


eat more calories than we burned in the training session I don't have control of


them over those other 166 hours a week I only have two hours a week however with


the strength and balance training we work hard those two 1H hour sessions perhaps no matter if they sit on the


sofa the rest of the week they're still going to be stronger you know the the


strength works that way and the balance it helps obviously if they're doing things on their own but they can't


counteract the work we've done even by sitting there I mean we've got those muscles stronger so I don't specialize


in the weight loss but uh you know but do you find when somebody starts coming to your classes they tend to even if


they are on the sofa they tend to spend less time on the sofa over time purely because they feel better and they're


stronger their balance is is less of an issue so it changes their lifestyle they have more energy so they want to do more


things they feel like they can do more things and on the diet they start eating


better because all of a sudden health and fitness is a much bigger part of their life because they are there and


they're seeing other people and we're talking about it it's they usually start eating better as well because they're


like I know how hard I'm working in the gym I don't want to come home and blow it by eating stuff that's bad for me we


talk about can you cut out half of the bad stuff of the bad food we're not even asking you to go on like this vegetable


and chicken breast diet no one wants to do that I don't want to do that but can we cut out half of the bad stuff and add


in a little more replace it with a little more of the good stuff and people are like okay I can do that and they


start seeing results and then with the exercise on top of it it it makes the weight loss easier of course as well as


opposed to just you know if you're just sitting around cutting a few calories or trying to eat better isn't going to have


nearly the effect and of course as we see progress that motivates us to to do


even more or at least to continue so why are you so passionate about this because you you're so passionate your energy


just shines through so what is it that drives you in this is it really an underlying factor that you know that as


as you help these clients of your it's keeping you fully embraced and so


it's benefiting you um what drives what drives you that is a big part of it you


know I've seen with my own family my mom and my sisters are overweight there's so


much more they could do um I see people hobble down the sidewalk down the street


when I'm passing them you you could make your life so much better so much easier you'd be so much happier if you just put


in the effort I mean I don't run up I'm half tempted to come up and say we can do you don't have to be like this you


know we can do something but of course that would not be right and it's their


decision but trying to reach people and spread the word and if someone says yes I do want to change and I don't like my


current situation and I want to do something about it I would love to do that and getting the feedback from


people that tell me I have literally changed their life and even after a short period period of time they now see


the light and they go oh wow you know they didn't know what they didn't know and now I've shown them like you know we


can make things a lot better you'll be happier people you know all you'll be self-confident not only on your feet but


when you look in the mirror you'll have a better self-image so that boosts your you know your mental you know condition


you're much happier about yourself and the fact that I'm actually training


people and moving with them it does keep me a lot stronger I have trainer in the


gym just like two weeks ago and I told him I'm going to be 64 next month he's


like oh my God I would have never guessed that he goes and I hope I have even some of the energy that you have


when I'm that age because I'm twice as old as he is and he's like I can't even imagine having that much energy at your


age so you know I do drink a lot of coffee I'll admit but uh but it keeps me


going yeah okay I've got my cold cold brew coffee in here right here but you


know I get up around 5:00 a.m. I already ran about three miles this morning with our dogs before our interview which


started at 8:00 California time in the morning so I get up and hit it early um


I do go to bed early just because I'm tired by the end of the day but yeah it definitely keeps me strong too and


people are seeing me and they're like oh my God you're in great shape and I go well it's a benefit of my job it's a


side you know it's a side benefit of my job working with other people and you


know so I feel like I'm doing good for them and it's doing good for me just as a byproduct so that's and you're a good


walking example you lead by example yes exactly oh I do in fact they see that


and you know a a selling point is the fact that I'm almost 64 and they're like oh my God I would have thought you were


in your late 40s or maybe 50 or something like that and I'm like we can


impart a little bit of like of that on you you know come join me we can look younger than we really are and feel


younger than we really are let's do what I've been doing and try to make that


happen for you as well so I think it is you know I see trainers and not to judge


you know because you don't know their health problems and and all of that but I see trainers that are considerably


overweight and I'm like you're not being a good role model I don't tell them that but I'm thinking I go that's not a good


role model for your clients to lose weight they see you you know and like I say I I really that's a big thing is try


not to judge somebody really heavy comes into the gym awesome for them they


realize they've gotten to a bad place for whatever reason emotional maybe


they've had physical problems you don't know what their background is they may have some serious things that that


caused them to gain weight maybe they were on me life-saving medication that caused them to gain weight so I really


go out of my way not to judge but I'm like if they're there trying to help themselves great you know sometimes you


see looks from Young buff people going like oh what are they doing here I'm like they need to be here more than You'


need to be here so you know don't give me any of that I mean they don't tell me that but you see the looks you know and


it's like no they're here trying to get better God bless them you know I'm totally supporting them I agree I think


when we're younger I mean cuz I've obviously we've all walked our own Journey but you know as a younger person


with less life experience you you only know what you know right um so when you look at somebody um across the way who's


perhaps a bit older and you go gosh because you're looking and basing it on your experience you don't know like you


said what they've been through so you know we are quick to judge but as we get older and we get a little wiser we would


hope to imagine that you know we're all just a little bit more compassionate and less less critical of of individuals


because life does happen you know people have accidents and that can really set back somebody's ability to be physically


active as well you you must obviously come across people who have had a variety of things happen to them through


their life and now they're in front of you how do they come to you do they do they just call you up do you meet them


at certain places do people refer clients to you what makes a more mature


person come out and say I'd like to work with you so that's kind of the battle is is reaching people yeah you know not


just to to for me to to get clients but for the people out there they don't know


I just had a a lady she started with me about a month ago I had met her doctor


and someone introduced me to her doctor because they were talking about this book called outlive by Dr Peter AA it's


been a New York Times bestseller it came out like a year ago year and a half ago and it talks about all the things you


can do to not only extend your life span but what's called Health span how long


are you going to be healthy you can live to be 85 but if those last 10 years are in a hospital bed on a respirator that's


not Health span you know that that's lifespan but we want to extend the quality of life that as long as we can


as well so he really talks about that and they were talking and IID recommended the book to my friend and he


was talking to his friend who's a doctor and she was reading the same book and


she's like you have to meet my friend who's a trainer because he talks and lives this stuff and does this stuff


with clients all the time so she's now started referring some of her clients to me and the lady that I just started with


about a month ago she's like I had no idea there was like a personal trainer for seniors this is awesome she's


already seen progress she's giving me glowing reviews and things just because


she had no idea this world existed that could really help her her she's had heart failure she's had you know serious


she now has diabetes or doctors like you need to work with Jeff and she's you know sold so I have I've had people


refer there that's a lot of it I'm in you know I do networking with doctors and and other people who get the word


out I try to spread the word by speaking to groups as much as I can you know um


you know a lot of people just don't know that type of of service exists out there so really trying to break through the


Clutter of Fitness where most people think it's for 20 and 30 year olds you know who would just want to get really


big and and buff looking and not realize that so it it is a challenge and that's


kind of the thing is you know posting on Facebook and other social medias videos


of me working with clients and just doing Simple stepping exercises to improve their footwork simple strength


exercises saying you know we're we don't have to make it like some military you


know boot camp training you know we we can do it age appropriate you're can


appropriate to where you are physically now and then try to advance you but not


say okay we're going to hand you 40 lb weights and you have to do these bicep curls or whatever it's we can I have I


have one pound weights and sometimes we're starting with one pound weight sometimes we're just doing arm their AR


their bare arms with no weights just to get the movement going and get the blood flowing and then when that gets easy


it's like okay now we've got one pound weights now we're going to do that when that get so just a slow steady


progression sometimes it's like oh my shoulder starting to hurt okay we're going to back off of that and let that


rest so you know I'm always like anything hurt your knee okay cuz you know most older folks their shoulders


hurt their knees hurt mainly sometimes they hip of course a lot of back pain so I'm working around that with each person


you know it's like is this yeah this is fine okay we're going to do this you know oh that kind of hurts okay we're


going to do so that's a huge part of what I do and other trainers notice that too you know when when we're in the gym


they're like you know you're working around somebody comes in with braces on their legs that I actually work with you


know so we have to do all kinds of different things and people are looking going oh my gosh but the stuff she's


doing now compared to when she started coming in it's amazing you know so so a


big part of it is being appr rate in advancing people a lot of older folks think they're going to get hurt because


the weights are going to be too strong so it's like we we try to get as much improvement as we can while still doing


it safely taking it easy on your body not doing anything that could be a fall risk I'm a lot of times they're doing


balance exercise and they're doing it against a wall or a railing and I'm behind them with my arms out like this


to catch them in case they kind of lean backwards you know so I'm like a mother hen hovering over them just to keep them


as safe as possible plus they're always you know do we need to be hanging on to something when we're doing this to start


you know and now we'll just hang on with one arm but I'm going to be right here next to you to make sure if you kind of


start to wobble that I've got you you know so that's a big part Factor huge trust Factor here as yeah it is and some


of them are scared you know they're like I don't think I want to do that so A lot of times I know they could do it but


they don't think they can do it or they're afraid so we hold off until they feel confident okay I think I can let go


now and we can do this without me holding on even though the the bar is right there and I'm still right there


it's like if you start to feel it you can grab on you know but a lot of that is yeah for them to trust me yeah I mean


there's a couple of things that was springing to mind as you were speaking there one of them was you know when we get a beautiful antique item and we want


to restore it we have to approach it completely differently to the way we would a big strong oak table that is


solid you know you could be tough with it or more harsh with it whereas with an antique you've got to trade carefully


you don't want it to break but when you've restored it it can live on for so


much longer and be enjoyed and appreciated by so many so for a senior


person who is stronger and more confident they can go out their family can get more from them they're they have


happier um interactions and all those things I was just seeing the other day Jane funder um out on social media again


I mean it blows my mind how fabulous she does look I know with her financial


backing she's probably had a lot of extra things done to assist the way she


looks but it's not about how she looks it's how she moves her body her mind her


agility I I go back to days when I was 10 years older my aunt was doing Jane


Fonda workouts on the TV you know um and there was Jane doing all these things


but I mean that was 40 45 years ago you know and she is


still strong active and so involved in her life and if she's an example of of


the journey that we all go on she's always stayed in touch with looking after her body because it's our Temple


right we only have one I I think it's amazing that you you have this passion


and this um I don't know this interest to care about a group of people that AR


doing it for the bikini on the beach in the summer but really for quality of


life and enjoyment because there's nothing worse than having an active mind but your body just won't allow you to


really experience what you could through your thoughts and that often is as we


get older we've been behind desks or we've worked at desks for so long we haven't been active and now we don't


have our desk anymore but our body needs to hold itself up sure so what advice


would you give to someone who's listening who didn't know that you existed how would they begin to almost


mentally prepare themselves to reach out and say Jeff or someone else in another


part of the World perhaps who does something similar to you how do I sign up I'm in my 70s I'm really not digital


friendly even though there are a lot of older people who are my world comes from a very different place how do I even


begin to pave a pathway for myself to even do this kind of exercise thing


right and I do train on zoom and I do have people halfway around the world I do even though I'm in Southern


California I train someone in Europe someone in Malta on Zoom twice a week


but for people you know closer to home at least in the United States we have like senior centers senior community


centers they'll offer maybe chair yoga classes which is a good low level for


people to start out so you it's hard to fall out of the chair you know so you can still do lift your legs and do leg


exercises marching while sitting and then arm things like that and they do


twisting and turning to strengthen the core and help your balance even though you're still sitting down Tai Chi


classes are great they call it uh meditation in motion is Tai Chi so it's


like a very gentle yoga slow movement so you know it's safe and if you have


creaky shoulders and things like that you know you can always modify but that's at least to get the blood flowing


and to start getting some you know working on your balance and getting Mobility the flexibility you know lack


of flexibility stiff ankles is one of the number one things that it makes you a fall risk if your ankles are stiff so


doing you know pumping your your foot like sitting down and even if you have your heel on the floor and just doing


some of this and then maybe some ankle circles things like that because they're


like your shock absorbers when you walk and if you step on something uneven and if you're you're going to go over if


your ankle can't accommodate that you know that so that's a Hu and in the hips but ankles are like number one in Mo so


just getting the muscles stretching a little more limber uh then if you God forbid do fall


you're less likely to hurt yourself if you're a little more limber than if you're brittle and stiff you know so


like look looking at senior centers even there's you know a Yoga Center near you and they have very basic beginner yoga


and then you still don't have to follow along with what the teacher does you know sometimes they're even a little


more enthusiastic and it's like okay I can't do that I'm just going to kind of sit here and hold this little bit of a


pose instead of trying to go into this full pose and stuff Aqua aerobics are really good you know stuff in the pool


your waist high and the water adds resistance and if it's a heated pool it


feels good on your muscles and Joints so those are some really good places to


start and uh and even maybe that's people would be content to do that you


know having individual coaching or small group coaching where we're actually trying to progress you see where you are


where you want to be and then do the appropriate exercises and Mo and modifications of those exercises to get


you a little stronger that takes usually a little more personalized training as


opposed to just a group class they'll probably have you doing the same thing pretty much every week but it's a great


place to start and for some people that's enough or financially some of those group classes are really


inexpensive you know like at a senior center maybe a chair yoga is $5 or something like that and doing that a


couple of times a week you would see big improvements way better than just sitting on your sofa for folks can


always reach out to me just for inspiration you know and then there's there's some things online of course


it's not specialized and you're not getting any feedback if you're doing something wrong no one will tell you and


you don't know so there's some injuries you know a lot of people are like well there's tons of YouTube videos I'll just


watch somebody else and yes but you're not getting the the safety and the the critical feedback on on proper technique


where you may not realize you think you're doing it right but people don't have great body awareness especially


when they start and their back's hunched over and they don't realize they're not sitting upright and they're not holding


their stomach in you know to protect their lumbar spine by keeping a strong core things like that but certainly


doing something's better than nothing especially if it's not real vigorous you know that's when you can more likely to


hurt yourself if you go from not doing anything to try to like I'm going to be in shape in three weeks I'm going to


work so hard you know then you're just going to hurt yourself so that's a big temp things too people get too


enthusiastic and they want to see results immediately they didn't get in poor shape overnight you're not going to


get back in shape and strong overnight either now it was probably a many year


or maybe even multi-decade decline yeah you have to expect it to take at least several


months or even a year or two to to make big changes everything is better if we can stop the decline and at least level


it off and then slowly start to you know go back up way better and usually safer


for most you know if you're young if you're in your 20s or 30s or even 40s it's different but once you're in your


60s and and 70s and 80s we have to be a lot more careful on trying to change the


trajectory of that you know curve yes and how often do we forget that Although


our mind is Young our body is slightly different you know and it is important


that when people start out especially like you were advised advised if you go back to the beginning of your story you


know when you you and your wife joined the gym and you were taken around it was advised that you perhaps had five


sessions in the beginning with somebody to help you start right and so why


should that be any different at any stage of Our Lives when we're getting into it for the first time or getting


reintroduced into it at a different stage of our life I've actually met


people who in their youth 1920 were big on the gym uh lifting weights doing all


things and then they're 45 and they say okay I've got to lose all this belly you know all those business lunches or


whatever I'm going to go back to the gym and they go back trying to pick up the same weights they did when they were 20


at their Peak Fitness it's not same experience so I think having yeah and


yeah and they do get hurt and the hurt getting hurt stops them from going back and so they compound the issue cuz now


it's even harder to return but your energy I would imagine would be such a beautiful added advantage to getting fit


because there's a lot of um encouragement and this is not difficult


it doesn't have to be hard we're not looking for Perfection we're here to have fun but to make sure that life is


good and and I think that is often a deciding factor when it comes to actually deciding if I'm going to have a


personal trainer regardless of my age who is that person on the other side do


they really want to be here or are they just doing the job and I feel that you


genuinely want to make a difference for other people and that would sign me up straight away okay great you know the


trainers I admire that I see that are you know some of the the nationally


known trainers are very up and energetic and enthusiastic and motivate people the


ones that are just kind of okay now we're going to do 10 situps we're going to do 10 you know and it's like they're


not motivating anyone so the ones I really admire I always had this energy


you know being on the radio the the program directors are always like oh I love your energy on the air you know you


don't sound like you're you're not putting people to sleep you're like getting people energized even for the music the music was energetic I kind of


matched my Tempo to the music you know since I like you know the rock and roll


and stuff it's like energetic music I just an energetic person um and the


trainers I see you know that are I and with most clients they really feed into


that you know most of them are drawn to a more energetic trainer and enthusiastic because people love you


know most people love that enthusiasm the cynical ones maybe not as much you


know older guys maybe less than than older ladies one reason I specialize and


working with older ladies they're usually much more pleasant to work with just because they're more open to things


if you go to a yoga or a Zumba class or a pilates class it's 95% ladies and not


guys the and and part of it is going back to the point that you talked about that oh yeah they were an athlete in


high school or college and I get so much of that from guys well I played football


in high school and I'm like that was 60 years ago you know you're not there


we can't do that same they're like well we used to do this and I'm 60 years ago


dude we're going to have to go back and make up a little lost ground type of thing and a lot of them and even with


older ladies and myself it's just hard to comprehend that we're this age and


our minds were always like in our high school teen years I mean we never really grow out of that and so it is hard to


accept I mean I get the folks every day saying I can't believe I'm this old I can't believe my body's failing on me


and I'm like yes but let's just do what we can to get it better that's all we


can do we can't go back in time you know we can't change I have people say God I wish I'd trained with you started 20


years ago I'd be in so much better shape if I would have started with you when I was 55 now that I'm 75 I'd be so much


better and I'm like we can't do that let's just try to take you from where you are to where you would like to be


safely now I get so much of that oh yeah well back in the day I was you know I


could do all of this I'm like well we can't do it now and if you try you're going to hurt yourself and then you'll never be back in the gym again because


you'll be in pain on the sofa and then you're really not going to move and you're going to grumpy and grouchy on


top of it which is not going to make you get any friends anyway so Jeff what's one bit of advice you'd give to somebody


um maybe they've just come out of surgery they've been told they have to do exercise so there's that resistance


okay I'm so I'm scared I you have to do exercise what would you say to somebody


like that who's in a recovery State because I know you work with people there as well don't you I do and there's


you know a couple of so that's like ex trinic motivation you're told you have


to your doctor says you better lose weight and you better get stronger your diet you're going to put you on Diabetes


medication or we're going to have to amputate your leg you know I mean that's really is a thing and then intrinsic


motivation where you do it because you want to obviously the people that do it because they want to stick to it much


more the other thing of extrinsic maybe it's your spouse your spouse is prodding you and I've had some of that and they


don't really want to be there and they look for every excuse not to show up oh I've got this thing I can't come today


oh I sore I can't really do anything you know so that that's a big that's


definitely a big part of it people that are there because they need to but they really don't want to the best advice is


start with something you can do and you're willing to do and then build on it they say if you are just going to


walk for five minutes just go out the door and walk down three houses and turn


around and walk back and come in and just do that and maybe the next day and just do that for a week and then maybe


okay I can go to the end of the block and I'll come back and do that and then maybe I'll I'll go around the block and


maybe you'll it'll help your mental attitude as well where you're like going to do it but when people see all of the


things they should be doing oh my diet my exercise all this it's overwhelming


and it's easier not to do anything so it's like let's just take one little thing that you think you can do and go


with that and then make small incremental additions to not get overwhelmed because the biggest way to


overwhelm somebody's like you completely have to revamp your diet everything in refrigerator has to get thrown out we


have to buy all new stuff that you've never eaten before that you don't know how to cook you don't know when you're going to eat eat it and how to eat it


and all of that stuff then they don't do anything so I have a certification called Behavior change in exercise


you'll only change when the pain of where you are your present circumstances is greater than the fear or pain of


change you're like I am so sick of being overweight and being unhealthy and


sitting in this chair I am ready to run through a brick wall to change my


current condition they are ready to change if people are like yeah I don't like things they are but boy I don't


like going to the gym and I'm afraid of what they're going to make me do then they're not going to change so the the


pain of where you are has to be greater than the fear of change or the pain of change brilliant that is such a great


way to sort of uh round this up because that is where the stops I think you know at the end of the day it is about us and


what we want from our lives and you know we all have a choice and whatever we


choose will determine the result in the end I don't think we need to say any more than that because ultimately the


opportunities are out there people like you who do what you do are there available ready to help all the person


has to do is take that first step reach out and say how do we do this yeah right


exactly and it's like I'll take over from there yeah I've coached a lot of people through it you just have to show


up and be ready to do it it's like you don't have to know how you anything uh that's what I do you just show up ready


to do what it's going to take and we'll figure out what's an appropriate pace


and all of that and safely and I always take feedback it's like I can't feel what you feel if something hurts if


something doesn't feel right let me know immediately we'll modify there's a million different Maneuvers we can do to


reach the same goal you know if this street doesn't work we'll go around the block and we'll come in and we'll get we'll get there you know we'll get you


stronger there this one way there's not just one path to get anywhere so we can always modify you know to get you there


safely and painfree the no pain no gain that's I don't believe that at all


usually now muscle burn if we've done a few reps and it's okay the muscle's getting fatigued and there's a burn in


there that's different than oh my elbow hurts or my should hurts so people need


to know that difference you know but but that part of oh it really hurt but I kept doing it my back really hurt but I


kept doing it and I'm like no don't chances are it's because you were doing it the wrong way or your posture was


wrong and so you shouldn't have been in that pain I can show you a pain you should be feeling right right muscle but


not the not not that type of pain wow Jeff that's this time has just flown by thank you so much for for stepping in I


think if anything you will have inspired the listeners to really think about


where they are right now what is one thing with regards to their health and well-being their body Health that


perhaps it's niggling and I'm sure you and I would both say don't let the niggle grow into a problem exactly I


always say tell people even if they're in their 70s we're we're not training for today we're training for 10 years


from now 15 years from now if we don't do anything now where are you going to be in 10 or 15 years you're really going


to be in trouble you know so we're always kind of looking at where our future self is going to be what are we


going to do now to make our future better think of it that way more of a long-term thing yeah and the bonus of


being 60 or 70 when you're looking at 10 years ahead is that you've probably got


60 or 70 years behind you and you kind of know a lot of stuff already about how


this is usually unfolded so do you want it to be the same or do you want something fresh new and wonderful so


Jeff thanks so much for being with us today on the Diary of amuse podcast I am certainly inspired and I know that my


activity is just about to go up excellent Tess thank you so much for


giving me the opportunity to spread the message of health and wellness and fitness to folks out there I've you know


taken that on as a mission of mine obviously so I really appreciate the


opportunity absolute gift I can way to share this conversation with a lot of people so that they too May um ask


themselves some interesting questions and maybe get just a little bit more active than they were yesterday so guys


thanks for tuning in today and listening to our episode with Jeff Whittle from


Silver strong Fitness um you will find all the details of how you can reach out


to him in the sort of Contex SE content section of the podcast but really at the


end of the day go out right now and do something active whether it is a gentle stretch or an ankle swirl not quite the


word Jeff would have used just think about that beautiful body you have and how long do you want it to be working


for you rather than against you and uh I'll be back soon with something else to


talk about but for now just look after that body nurture it and if you have any


questions I have no doubt Jeff would love to hear from you and he will


happily guide you direct you or answer any concerns you might have about where


you are questions certainly so take care thanks very much and we'll be back again


soon bye for now

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